I am trying to resize images before uploading in PHP image uploading. I have a php script for image upload as below.
if(isset($_POST) and $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] == "POST") {
$path = "images/"; //set your folder path
$filename = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name']; //get the temporary uploaded image name
$valid_formats = array("jpg", "png", "gif", "bmp", "jpeg","GIF","JPG","PNG"); //add the formats you want to upload
$name = $_FILES['photoimg']['name']; //get the name of the image
$size = $_FILES['photoimg']['size']; //get the size of the image
if(strlen($name)) //check if the file is selected or cancelled after pressing the browse button.
list($txt, $ext) = explode(".", $name); //extract the name and extension of the image
if(in_array($ext,$valid_formats)) //if the file is valid go on.
if($size < 10098888) // check if the file size is more than 2 mb
$actual_image_name = str_replace(" ", "_", $txt)."_".time().".".$ext; //actual image name going to store in your folder
$tmp = $_FILES['photoimg']['tmp_name'];
if(move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name)) //check the path if it is fine
move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path.$actual_image_name); //move the file to the folder
//display the image after successfully upload
echo '<img src="ads/images/'.$actual_image_name.'" class="preview" style="width: 63%;"/>
<input type="hidden" name="img" id="Name1" value='.$actual_image_name.' /> <br />';
echo "failed";
echo "Image file size max 10 MB";
echo "Invalid file format..";
echo "Please select image..!";
How can I make this possible?