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preg_replace in PHP is a function used for performing a search and replace using regular expressions. in this TapGen tutorial we will learn preg_replace function in PHP.


preg_replace(patterns, replacements, input, limit, count)


Here’s a simple Example

that replaces all occurrences of "dog" with "cat":

$subject = "The dog barks at the dog.";
$pattern = "/dog/";
$replacement = "cat";

$result = preg_replace($pattern, $replacement, $subject);

echo $result; 
// Output: "The cat barks at the cat."


See the example, dog has been replaced by preg_replace Function. that's mean, $pattern: The pattern to search for a string or an array of patterns.

Parameters and Usage

  • $pattern: The pattern to search for. This can be a string or an array of patterns. It must be a valid regular expression.
  • $replacement: The replacement string or an array of replacement strings. If the pattern is an array, this should also be an array of replacements.
  • $subject: The input string or an array of strings to search.


  • The regular expression patterns must be enclosed in delimiters (e.g., slashes /).
  • You can use various regex features.
  • Be cautious with special characters in both patterns and replacements.


If you have any other questions or need further examples, let us know and upload the question in our forum tapgen.xyz

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